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The King studios in the heart of London’s West End is a veritable cathedral to side-ways thinking. Once inside...
The Nelson Place development in Belfast, the city’s largest purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA)...
Circle Partnership is breaking the mould with its purpose-built hospitals catering for private and NHS...
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) caused as a direct result of their brave service in defence of our...
Gerflor’s Taraflex® is the leading sustainable choice for indoor sports flooring worldwide, offering a...
Sports and games played in a school environment encompasses more than just the benefit of physical activity...
The Abertillery Primary School north of Newport and just South of Abergavenny in Wales can boast the longest...
Beaconsfield High School, in Buckinghamshire have been delivering a highly successful academic culture for...
USW has a strong sporting background, an excellent reputation for sport degrees, and impressive facilities for...
When Colchester Academy in Essex required a new sports floor for their main hall and their dance studio, they...
When two top-performing Wakefield schools needed to source high quality flooring for their sports halls they...
Honiton Leisure Centre in East Devon is owned by East Devon District Council and operated by LED Community...
The challenge was refurbishing phase three of the derelict Grade II-listed Park Hill Flats estate to 356...
When a high-end development of a new residential student accommodation building in Gloucester city centre...
The refurbishment by Eureka! The National Children’s Museum in Halifax, West Yorkshire was instigated to...